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Blog Posts
aTon l’avviso pubblico “KETs – Tecnologie abilitanti” con il progetto MrBin
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Forum PA Challenge 2016
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aTon vince la Call for Idea indetta dall’Università di Roma Tor Vergata
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Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English.
Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English.
RAI ECONOMIA parla del greenBag
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aTon al Maker Faire a Roma
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Il 18 Settembre il greenBag sarà ad EXPO 2015
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aTon presenta greenBag e greenBag2.0 all’ Ara Pacis in Roma
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aTon presents SUBWIND
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aTon wins the Call4Innovators
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aTon wins the Call: EXPO MILANO 2015 “Nutrire il Pianeta, Energia per la Vita
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Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English.
Happy birthday Garbatella
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aTon has been invited in Roma Venture Forum
On 10th of December 2014 aTon has been invited to the 1st edition of Roma Venture Forum in Rome, where it will have its own space where it will show the greenBag suite prototype, the iOil sensors and the Smart Lock. The events will be hosted in Rome – Terme di Diocleziano, Viale Enrico De […]
aTon wins the Prestiti Partecipativi programme
On October 2014 aTon wins the Prestiti Partecipativi initiative. It is a call dedicated to the Italian Start Up that wants to speed up its business by means of a loan. aTon is inside the first ten Start Up presenting a proposal to this programme by means of its innovative solution to collect households UCO […]
aTon is the main consultant in a TELECOM research projectbased on the development of a smart grid energy distribution network
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